Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Season 7 Episode 9 - Crime TV Shows 43:14. story about After sixteen-year-old Lauren Westley loses her unborn child due to a severe abdominal beating, her father's insistence that Lauren was raped leads detectives to the baby's father, but it isn't long before the detectives realise that Lauren was an active party in her own beating, and the two teens had found it necessary to take the steps they did because the abortion clinic kept putting off Lauren's request for an appointment. Novak faces a tough opponent in her own office when she and Branch disagree over the appropriate action to be taken against Wayne Mortens, the young girl's boyfriend.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Season 7 Episode 9
La Ley y el Orden: UVE, Law & Order: Unidade de Vítimas Especiais (SVU), Law & Order: Investigação Especial, Law and Order: New York, La Loi & l'Ordre : USV, La Loi & l'Ordre : Unité spéciale, New York : Unité spéciale, قانون و نظم: واحد قربانیان ویژه, LAW & ORDER: 性犯罪特捜班, 성범죄수사대: SVU, Law & Order: SVU-
Released: Sep 20, 1999
Runtime: 43:14 minutes
Networks: NBC
After sixteen-year-old Lauren Westley loses her unborn child due to a severe abdominal beating, her father's insistence that Lauren was raped leads detectives to the baby's father, but it isn't long before the detectives realise that Lauren was an active party in her own beating, and the two teens had found it necessary to take the steps they did because the abortion clinic kept putting off Lauren's request for an appointment. Novak faces a tough opponent in her own office when she and Branch disagree over the appropriate action to be taken against Wayne Mortens, the young girl's boyfriend.